domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2011


Bienvenido al Blog de la Asociación de Vecinos El Cueto de San Miguel del Camino. Nuestra Asociación nació en el año 2010 en la urbanización El Cueto en la localidad de San Miguel del Camino, en el municipio de Valverde de Virgen, en León, una zona donde estamos empadronados más de 130 vecinos y donde otros muchos tienen una segunda residencia. Creamos una asociación para defender a los vecinos de la zona ante la desidia y el abandono municipal a los que estamos sometidos. Sufrimos  infraestructuras en pésimas condiciones (sólo hay que ver el estado de la única carretera de acceso), abusos urbanísticos (construcciones en zonas de especial protección donde está prohibido, contraviniendo la normativa urbanística municipal), eliminación y deterioro de servicios públicos (el Ayuntamiento pretendió eliminar el transporte público y solo la movilización vecinal lo impidió, aunque el servicio actual es totalmente insufuciente), tasas que no corresponden (alcantarillado), falta de señalización viaria (a pesar de ser zona urbana residencial y ser competencia municipal,  no tenemos calles rotuladas),  todo ello ante  la inoperancia y pasividad del Ayuntamiento de Valverde de la Virgen, que ha ignorado reiteradamente nuestras demandas.  En este último año los vecinos nos hemos visto especialmente afectados por la instalación de una megaplanta fotovoltaica de 5 mW que se construyó de espaldas a los vecinos y con graves irregularidades, omisión de trámites legales y medioambientales, con la connivencia de las autoridades municipales y autonómicas.. Actualmente la Asociación tiene un contencioso administrativo contra la Junta de Castilla y León por dicha instalación.  Estamos convencidos de que la unión es fundamental para defender los derechos e intereses de los vecinos y del municipio. Demandamos transparencia. Te animamos a unirte a nosotros. Bienvenido.

The Association struggle against an irregular solar plant

Welcome to our blog! We are an Association of neighbours living in El Cueto, a  residential area, in the countryside, in San Miguel del Camino, in the municipality of Valverde de la Virgen, a town about 8 kms from León, a small beautiful city in the northwest of Spain. Our   association was created by the neighbours who either live or have a house in the area in order to improve our place and defend our rights as citizens since we feel abandoned by the local authority (the  mayor of Valverde de la Virgen) and the regional authorities (la Junta de Castilla y León). The only access to our homes is a bumpy road in a totally neglected and abandoned condition, despite the area is inhabited and the road is continuously used by the neighbours and visitors, many of them users of the outstanding 18 holes golf course very appreciated by players. The beautiful natural area around us has been seriously affected by the construction of a 5mW photovoltaic plant, of TEQUI SOLAR (which recently changed its name to PARQUE SOLAR PÁRAMO). The company that built the plant was GESTAMP.  The founders of TEQUI SOLAR were the same than the managers of DCWAFERS,  a company that manufactures  silicium wafers. The plant was built in a very short time.. eluding many legal and environmental requirements, established in the own Junta de Castilla y León Decree for electric installations.... The local and regional authorities,  responsible in Spain for the authorization process, allowed these serious irregularities and do it, without informing the neighbours affected, with an irregular public information of the site where the solar plant and the evacuation line was going to be located. All these irregularities are described in the Report issued by the Procurador del Común, a sort of Ombudsman in Castille and León. The conclusions of the Procurador are the same than ours. The solar plant is situated in front of our homes, and the evacuation line goes through a green area and educational area, despite these kind of lines are prohibited in these areas according to the electrical legislation in Spain  unless there is a "public utility" declaration, which it is not the case. Besides, the local regulations of the municipality of Valverde do not allow these lines on these areas. In addition to this, the legislation of Castilla y León require an environmental license for the evacuation line since it is  part of the production premises but neither the Valverde de la Virgen authorities (where the main part of the evacuation line is located) nor Villadangos del Páramo (where it is located the rest of the line) issued an environmental licence. 

We do not oppose to solar plant energy, we oppose to the construction of such megaplants destroying the environment, affecting the citizens and inhabitants, and not meeting and complying the legal requirements established by the law.

We have sued the Junta de Castilla y León for the administrative authorization of this plant , since it is the authority responsible for this procedure. All the authorization process  is full of mistakes, errors, ellusions..... We still cannot figure out why the authorities did not look for the interest of the neighbours and the compliance of the law. Although our blog is in Spanish, we will  try to translate and summarize some of the most relevant issues  into English. The aim is to prevent that this happens again elsewhere.

2 comentarios:

  1. Enhorabuena por la idea del Blog. Es la mejor manera de comunicarnos rapidamente.
    Gracias por vuestro esfuerzo y trabajo desinteresado para la Comunidad. Lo estais haciendo de "lujo".
    Un abrazo y Felices fiestas a todos de
    Esmeralda, Violeta, Rene y Ray.

  2. Muchas gracias a vosotros por vuestros ánimos. Recordad que este blog está abierto para las contribuciones de los asociados. Felices fiestas para toda la familia.
