En una entrada anterior Alegaciones al cruce de cauce...más sorpresas expusimos otra irregularidad más cometida por la empresa TEQUI SOLAR, S.L (ahora denominada PARQUE SOLAR PÁRAMO). En concreto haber realizado la obra sin la oportuna autorización de cruce de cauce del Arroyo de Valdesquilo, cauce subterráneo que discurre por terrenos de la entidad en San Miguel del Camino, Valverde de la Virgen. En nuestra entrada detallábamos cómo nos causó verdadera conmoción y cómo nos sorprendió un anuncio solicitando una autorización de cruce de cauce a posteriori, anuncio que misteriosamente caía en el mismo error que los anteriores, ya que en la publicación la ubicación del cruce figuraba en Villadangos del Páramo cuando el cruce se realiza en otro municipio, Valverde, impidiendo una correcta publicidad de la misma.
Cuando tuvimos oportunidad de ver el expediente, ¡otra sorpresa! el Servicio de Medioambiente de la Junta de Castilla y León en León, condicionaba la aprobación de la obra al condicionado octavo, que exigía la notificación y supervisión de la misma por el Servicio Comarcal de Medio Ambiente, supervisión y notificación que, evidentemente no se produjo ya que la planta fue construida un año antes, hecho del que ya tenía conocimiento el Servicio de Medioambiente de la Junta en Castilla y León, que incluso elaboró informes sobre la planta y que trasladó a la Asociación.
A día de hoy, nos encontramos con una planta fotovoltaica que carece de licencias ambientales para la línea de evacuación y sigue funcionando, conociendo los Ayuntamientos de Valverde de la Virgen y Villadangos del Páramo este hecho. También la Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero conoce que la autorización de cruce se está solicitando sobre una obra ya efectuada, como se ha acreditado documentalmente, que además se realizó sin la debida supervisión y notificación requerida por el Servicio de Medio Ambiente. ¿Qué garantías tenemos entonces de que dicha ejecución se realizó correctamente si se omitió este requerimiento?
La Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero nos remitió una carta con fecha 20 de marzo de 2012, comunicándonos que nuestras alegaciones se habían remitido a la empresa solicitante y que nos harían llegar una respuesta de la empresa promotora para que manifestáramos nuestra conformidad o disconformidad.
Ante la demora en la respuesta de la Confederación nos pusimos en contacto con ellos telefónicamente el día 9 de octubre de 2012 para interesarnos sobre la situación del expediente, habida cuenta del tiempo transcurrido. Al día siguiente 10 de octubre, la Confederación se pone en contacto con nosotros por teléfono para informarnos que casualmente el expediente se ha resuelto en ese mismo día y que se envía a Valladolid para su firma, sin que todavía hayamos recibido oficialmente una respuesta con dicha resolución. Este cambio en el procedimiento que difiere de la comunicación previa de fecha 20 de marzo de 2012 y que no nos ha sido comunicado por escrito de forma oficial, ni motivado ni justificado, nos causa una cierta perplejidad ante las numerosas irregularidades que presenta esta planta en todos los aspectos siendo la falta de autorización de cruce de cauce uno de ellos, sumada a los errores del anuncio y la falta de supervisión y notificación de dichas obras que se han argumentado por la Asociación. Nos parece un tanto atípica la demora y el cambio de criterio en la actuación de la Confederación y estamos a la espera de recibir su resolución. Por otro lado, desconocemos si estos cambios de criterio son habituales independientemente de quien sea la empresa promotora.
En este expediente existen muchos puntos negros y la transparencia brilla por su ausencia: seguimos sin haber podido acceder al expediente, a pesar de haberlo solicitado en los Ayuntamientos de Valverde de la Virgen y Villadangos del Páramo, que mantienen en funcionamiento una instalación que carece de licencia ambiental requerida para su línea de evacuación y de autorización de uso de suelo rústico. Queremos recordar, que tampoco hemos recibido respuesta aún del Ministerio de Industria por las irregularidades en el Prerregistro a pesar de haber presentado un escrito hace más de un año tal y como se expone en la entrada anterior El Registro de Preasignaciones de Instalaciones Fotovoltaicas de Tequi Solar, S.L.
En el siguiente enlace aparece la noticia de prensa sobre este particular Noticia en La Crónica de León de 14 de octubre de 2012
Our allegations to the application for authorization of crossing a stream (Part 2)
As we metioned in our former entry, we were very surprised to find out that the company had applied for an authorization of crossing the course of a stream one year later that the works for the evacuation line for power were executed. The Spanish law requires that this authorization must be obtained prior the beginning of any works. However, the company, Tequi Solar did not apply for it nor did submit any documentation in due time. This authorization must be issued by the Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero which is a national entity that regulates and controls the hidraulic resources related in the area of Duero river (in the northwest of Spain).
Our allegations to the authorization were submitted on February 29th 2012. On March, 26th 2012 we received a letter by the Confederación (that it is shown above) informing us that according to the procedure, our allegations would be sent to the applicant company and its reply would be sent back to us for our conformity or disconformity.
We were concerned about the delay of Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero in sending back to us Tequi Solar's reply to our allegations as it is explained in the above-mentioned letter. For such reason, we contacted on 9th October, 2012 via telephone with the Confederación in order to request information about the status of the application. Next day we were telephoned back to inform us that there was already a resolution that had to be signed in the coming days. This official resolution has not been received yet. We were sort of puzzled by the change of criteria of the Confederación, since it was clearly stated in the letter dated on March 20th 2012, that Tequi Solar's reply would be sent to us for our approval or rejection and the explanation offered by phone about the procedure that they would follow (to issue the resolution directly without sending it previously to us as it was explained in the former letter) did not match the content of the previous letter and the change has not been explained by letter to us. We are awaiting the official communication by the Confederación. We don´t know if this change of procedure is a common way to act for Confederación, regardless the applicant company.
It is important to remark that the public information provided by the company in the ad presented false data as for the location of the crossing is completely wrong. The crossing is located in another municipality. In fact, it is in Valverde de la Virgen, particularly the spot of such crossing is situated in terrains within the scope of the Entidad Urbanística de Conservación El Cueto and the Works are already done and performed, In addition to these major errors that we think invalidate all the procedure, we must remark, again, that the solar plant and the evacuation line for power were carried out not meeting the legal and environmental requirements for these installations in Castilla y León, and lacking of the environmental licence for the evacuation line for power. It is very important to remark that the compliance of such requirements would have avoided these unfortunate situations. It is extremely serious how the solar plant has been functioning without the mandatory environmental licences and authorizations of for the evacuation line, and how the local authorities are well and perfectly aware of this fact and allow the plant to function even it is paralization due to the ilegal situation has been requested by the neighbours.
As for the regional authorities, Junta de Castilla y León, it is shocking to see how the Environmental Service issued a report in January, 2012 that required a previous notification to the local environmental services prior the beginning of the works and a supervisión of the environmental services while perfoming the works. Obviously, these conditions have not been fulfilled since the works have been executed without notification, authorization and supervision. We are completely puzzled by this report. Surprisingly it is issued by the same service that one year ago issued a report addressed to the Association on this installation in particular, the service knew that this installation was already done, as it is documentally proved. Anyway, according to this repport the works have been performed without any guarantees, nor supervision.
As we have denounced previously, there is a shadow of opacity and lack of transparence over this solar plant that presents multiple irregularities. The refusal of the municipalities of Valverde de la Virgen and Villadangos del Páramo to allow us access to the dossier, and have permitted the plant to keep functioning despite being warned of the lack of appropriate licences, the delay of Ministry of Industry in replying to our letter dated October, 6th 2011 (we have no answer yet) add more confusion and suspicion to this installation
En el siguiente enlace aparece la noticia de prensa sobre este particular Noticia en La Crónica de León de 14 de octubre de 2012
Our allegations to the application for authorization of crossing a stream (Part 2)
As we metioned in our former entry, we were very surprised to find out that the company had applied for an authorization of crossing the course of a stream one year later that the works for the evacuation line for power were executed. The Spanish law requires that this authorization must be obtained prior the beginning of any works. However, the company, Tequi Solar did not apply for it nor did submit any documentation in due time. This authorization must be issued by the Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero which is a national entity that regulates and controls the hidraulic resources related in the area of Duero river (in the northwest of Spain).
Our allegations to the authorization were submitted on February 29th 2012. On March, 26th 2012 we received a letter by the Confederación (that it is shown above) informing us that according to the procedure, our allegations would be sent to the applicant company and its reply would be sent back to us for our conformity or disconformity.
We were concerned about the delay of Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero in sending back to us Tequi Solar's reply to our allegations as it is explained in the above-mentioned letter. For such reason, we contacted on 9th October, 2012 via telephone with the Confederación in order to request information about the status of the application. Next day we were telephoned back to inform us that there was already a resolution that had to be signed in the coming days. This official resolution has not been received yet. We were sort of puzzled by the change of criteria of the Confederación, since it was clearly stated in the letter dated on March 20th 2012, that Tequi Solar's reply would be sent to us for our approval or rejection and the explanation offered by phone about the procedure that they would follow (to issue the resolution directly without sending it previously to us as it was explained in the former letter) did not match the content of the previous letter and the change has not been explained by letter to us. We are awaiting the official communication by the Confederación. We don´t know if this change of procedure is a common way to act for Confederación, regardless the applicant company.
It is important to remark that the public information provided by the company in the ad presented false data as for the location of the crossing is completely wrong. The crossing is located in another municipality. In fact, it is in Valverde de la Virgen, particularly the spot of such crossing is situated in terrains within the scope of the Entidad Urbanística de Conservación El Cueto and the Works are already done and performed, In addition to these major errors that we think invalidate all the procedure, we must remark, again, that the solar plant and the evacuation line for power were carried out not meeting the legal and environmental requirements for these installations in Castilla y León, and lacking of the environmental licence for the evacuation line for power. It is very important to remark that the compliance of such requirements would have avoided these unfortunate situations. It is extremely serious how the solar plant has been functioning without the mandatory environmental licences and authorizations of for the evacuation line, and how the local authorities are well and perfectly aware of this fact and allow the plant to function even it is paralization due to the ilegal situation has been requested by the neighbours.
As for the regional authorities, Junta de Castilla y León, it is shocking to see how the Environmental Service issued a report in January, 2012 that required a previous notification to the local environmental services prior the beginning of the works and a supervisión of the environmental services while perfoming the works. Obviously, these conditions have not been fulfilled since the works have been executed without notification, authorization and supervision. We are completely puzzled by this report. Surprisingly it is issued by the same service that one year ago issued a report addressed to the Association on this installation in particular, the service knew that this installation was already done, as it is documentally proved. Anyway, according to this repport the works have been performed without any guarantees, nor supervision.
As we have denounced previously, there is a shadow of opacity and lack of transparence over this solar plant that presents multiple irregularities. The refusal of the municipalities of Valverde de la Virgen and Villadangos del Páramo to allow us access to the dossier, and have permitted the plant to keep functioning despite being warned of the lack of appropriate licences, the delay of Ministry of Industry in replying to our letter dated October, 6th 2011 (we have no answer yet) add more confusion and suspicion to this installation
No deja de ser otro màs de las incidencias del huerto de referancia, esta es una de las expresiones del León del"pancismo" o "sindrome de guijuelo", teorías ambas que que establecen una relación directa entre el tamaño de la barriga y los jamones que llegan por Navidad con la tramitación de este tipo de expedientes; a mayor volumen de panza y mayor aroma a guijuelo, mayor número de irregularidades presenta el expediente, esta teoría es fcilmente contrastable con una visita por Navidad a los despachos "nobles" de la junta en León, no hace falta que lo ratifique "science", que tengan cuidado no se vayan a atragantar, en fin...
ResponderEliminarMuchas gracias por el comentario.. ¡Todo resulta muy triste y muy indignante!